Company News

Cornerstone Xstate Celebrates A CMCO Christmas


A Festive Celebration Of Joy, Love and Compassion

As Malaysians nationwide usher in Christmas during the CMCO amidst a global pandemic, the spirit of Yuletide remains vibrant and vivacious. X’mas is truly a time for affection, compassion and introspection. As we share in the joy of Glad Tidings with friends and families, let us not forget the plight of the underprivileged and the less fortunate. Show them that you love and care by contributing in cash or kind to your nearest charities and hospices. We can all make a difference in their lives and livelihoods. Also, send your warmest regards to your colleagues and acquaintances wherever they may be. We might be separated by physical distance, but we are always in their hearts and minds. After all, they are just a click away through a phone call or via an online meeting. And in our festive euphoria and excitement, always remember to observe government SOPs, practice social distancing and maintain personal hygiene. CSX continues to enrich people’s lives, empower estate agents and espouse property excellence. Wishing everyone A MERRY CHRISTMAS…hohoho!
