Happy New Year folks! 2022 kicks off a new chapter for Cornerstone Xstate. As part of its rebranding exercise, the monthly Breakthrough Meeting is now known as ‘Meet X’ to inspire a more refreshing outlook and upbeat feel in ushering in 2022. A brand-new year also brings about new developments, new challenges and new aspirations to the company. During this session, CSX’s great leaders including Wong Yau Long, Vinnie Wong, Christina Kuan, Josephine Teh and Taco Heidinga shared their respective ideas and views as well as hopes and dreams. As we look forward to future events and happenings, let us remain true to our vision and mission. It is time to change the game plan, and jump-start your personal growth towards achieving exponential excellence!
Managing director Wong Yau Long is hopeful of the future prospects of Cornerstone Xstate in 2022. How far Cornerstone has come since its early days of inception way back in 2015. Being successful in the real estate business is not just about closing more deals or making more money but also fostering greater friendship and closer family ties. With numerous milestones and breakthrough accomplishments to the company’s credit, it is high time CSX shifts its focus toward the personal growth and professional development of its agents and negotiators. Apart from winning awards, adding value to their lives and livelihoods is quintessential. Moving forward in 2022, building a great team and leveraging on our resources in order to compete effectively within the real estate marketplace. Throughout these challenging times and adversities amid the prevalent pandemic. Incorporate the five pillars of personal growth (i.e. look, learn, listen, laugh & lead) and you shall witness exponential growth!
Head of project sales, Vinnie Wong remains optimistic about the sales potential and performance of the company in the new year. However, she stresses that the three key actions in empowering agents and negotiators continue to be moving fast, tracking data-base and closing deals. Having the proper mindset and skills including the up skilling of talents in terms of client calling and digital advertising are equally as important. With more upcoming projects in the pipeline, it is always imperative negotiators work closely with their team leaders as well as leverage on their strengths to generate leads and convert transactions.
According to Taco Heidinga, marketing continues to play a key role in the success of any company or corporation. Having a strong corporate branding, effective leads generation platform as well as robust database system contributes significantly towards building a successful real estate business. The proliferation of digital marketing has also led to rapid growth in the real estate industry which has resulted in tremendous competition in the property marketplace. In addition to implementing creative strategies, innovative methodologies and breakthrough technologies, CSX has also embarked on various lifelong learning initiatives and knowledge empowerment modules for both newbie negotiators and seasoned agents alike. They include training workshops for team leaders in sub-sales and projects accessible via the Cornerstone University portal online. The continual emphasis on up skilling, mastery and leadership programmes is vital towards making Cornerstone Xstate a top-notch tech-enabled agency in the country.
For CSX Head Of Operations Josephine Teh, maintaining the delicate balance between corporatization, standardization and transparency is part and parcel of her daily operations portfolio. Aside from overseeing day-to-day operations, she is in charge of coordinating and streamlining internal communication channels within the company. She also outlines and reviews recruitment policies on hiring staff as well as sets standards put in place to enable more effective communication among different departments within the company. Guidelines and protocols are not just issued for safety and security but also for the comfort and convenience of everyone at Cornerstone Xstate amidst the prevalent pandemic. Having a huge job scope can be quite tedious and tiresome at times but being Josephine, she is ever ready to take on the great responsibility entrusted to her with utmost care, conviction and commitment!
Head of culture & events, Christina Kuan talks about the importance of having a holistic corporate culture in promoting the overall welfare and well-being of the company’s staff, especially the agents and negotiators. Apart from advocating financial prosperity, maintaining one’s physical, emotional or spiritual presence within Cornerstone Xstate is just as important. A company blessed with warm hospitality, family spirit and noble values are paramount in bringing out the best of its employees whether it is job satisfaction, career advancement, financial security or personal happiness. Fun events, wholesome activities and other charitable programmes that are people-engaging, rapport building as well as team empowering generally create a more conducive working environment. In addition to workplace ambience, providing a support system that provides the help and assistance needed is most critical. And always remember, a happy worker makes a successful company!

Monthly Character Recognition (Rens&Leaders)
In the Monthly Character Recognition segment, we are proud to honour an exemplary negotiator who exhibits the noble attribute of DILIGENCE, a timeless trait that embodies the persistent effort and consistent hard work in realizing one’s goals and dreams without compromise. Ethan Law is the epitome of a character or personality who demonstrates unbridled passion as well as unwavering perseverance in going the extra mile or even burning the midnight oil. Ethan is also meticulous and well-versed with clients and customers, and constantly anticipates their every need and requirement. He always rises to the occasion in embracing countless commitments and enduring endless hardships.
Cornerstone Xstate also recognises an outstanding team leader who possesses the virtue of DETERMINATION as one who is steadfast, committed and unstoppable in attaining her dreams and desires amid all adversities. Priscillia Ku often reinvents herself and constantly challenges her team in achieving property excellence together with her hubby Mervyn Ngu. She is also much loved and revered by her teammates and fellow colleagues for wanting to help improve their lives and livelihoods despite encountering endless hurdles and hardships. A big bravo, kudos and congrats once again to Ethan and Priscillia for their breakthrough success…awesome job guys!
During this ground-breaking meeting, we also witnessed more closings and deal-breakers from seasoned agents and newbie negotiators. We also paid tribute to mega producers and top teams in recognition of their diligent efforts, unwavering passion and persistent hard-work. Teamwork truly makes all the dreams work, period! Cornerstone Xstate continues to invest in creative tools and new methodologies, digital marketing strategies as well as innovative smart technologies. THANK YOU once again to Taco for being such a warm and wonderful host throughout this Meet-X monthly meeting. Together as one united family, we shall brave the storm, conquer all adversities and challenges, and always remain in the game. Continue to BE INSPIRED, STAY MOTIVATED, KEEP MOVING, CONTINUE HUSTLING, and above all, STAY HAPPY folks! Cornerstone Xstate wishes all Malaysians a very happy, abundant and prosperous CHINESE NEW YEAR 2022…huat! huat! huat!