2019 Christmas Potluck Cum Meeting
Jingle bell, Jingle bell, Jingle all the way! 🎅🏻 Christmas is truly a time for sharing and caring. 🥰 CSX negotiators and team leaders have painstakingly prepared a luxurious buffet spread of gastronomic delights and delicacies. 😋 A plethora of gifts were later presented and exchanged amongst themselves in the spirit of Yuletide. 🤩
A truly spirited and wonderful potluck this year, so wishing everyone Glad Tidings and thank you all for a vibrant and festive meeting!! May we be blessed with greater sales and abundant prosperity in the upcoming New Year. Have a holly jolly Christmas! ✨🎉 #CSX #cornerstonex #cornerstonexstate #enrichinglives #2019csxchristmaspotluck #presentexchange #dancing #havelotsoffun #csxisabigfamily