![Commencement of MAREC 2023 with Mr Wong as Guest Speaker](/sites/default/files/img/events/cover/337241391_180766144738002_4237865361198091602_n.jpg)
Commencement of MAREC 2023 with Mr Wong as Guest Speaker
When Mr. Wong met with Stephen Tew, the founder of Axis REIT, it was a meeting of the minds. They shared insights on the real estate industry, exchanged ideas, and took this picture to commemorate the occasion. We are also thrilled to have Mr. Wong take the stage at MAREC 2023 and share insights on his journey from PEA to REA. We're excited to see how all these experts' sharing will inspire change in our industry and beyond #cornerstonexstate #realestatemalaysia #enrichinglives #realestateagent #marec2023